Oracle Java EE 7: Front-End Web Application Development

Kategori:Java, Oracle
Eğitim Adı:Oracle Java EE 7: Front-End Web Application Development Eğitimi
Eğitim Süresi:5 gün

This Java EE 7: Front-end Web Application Development training helps you explore building and deploying enterprise applications that comply with the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 7 Web Profile. Expert Oracle University instructors will help you explore annotations, Session Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB-Lite), Java Persistence API (JPA), servlets, JavaServer Pages(JSPs), Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI), JAX-RS RESTful web services, the Java API for WebSocket and the Java API for JSON processing.

Learn To:

  • Develop web-based interfaces for both desktop and mobile devices.
  • Assemble an application.
  • Build Java applications.
  • Deploy an application into an application server (Java EE platform runtime environment).

Benefits to You

By taking this course, you’ll gain hands-on experience building Java EE web applications. You will get the chance to create web-based user interfaces using HTML5 and JavaScript along with JSPs and servlets. Web-based user interfaces will use AJAX to communicate with RESTful web services you create; data will persist using JPA and optimistic locking.

Participate in Hands-On Labs

By learning through hands-on exercises via structured labs, you’ll get a chance to explore EJB-Lite session bean components, which can be used with container-managed transactions. You’ll perform lab exercises using the NetBeans IDE and WebLogic Server.

Course Topics

  • Java Platform, Enterprise Edition
  • Enterprise Development Tools and Applications
  • JavaBeans, Annotations, and Logging
  • Java EE Web Architecture
  • Developing Servlets
  • Developing with JavaServer Pages
  • JAX-RS Web Services
  • Java RESTful Clients
  • HTML5 Applications with JavaScript and AJAX
  • WebSocket and the Java API for JSO Processing
  • Implementing a Security Policy
  • POJO and EJB-Lite Component Models
  • The Java Persistence API
  • Implementing a transaction policy