gürhan gümrükçüoğlu
Gurhan Gumrukcuoglu
IT Eğitmeni

Yurtiçi ve yurtdışında it eğitimleri vermeye devam eden Gürhan Gümrükçüoğlu hakkındaki detayları bu sayfadan alabilirsiniz.

Eğitmenimizi arayarak detaylı bilgi alın.



Gurhan Gumrukcuoglu, worked as a senior consultant and trainer between 2007 and 2013, has been educated various products of Microsoft and Oracle for many institutions and organizations and as well as undertaken many consultancy and projects.  

From 2013 to 2015, he has been a senior manager of a reputable technology training company in Turkey and since 2015, has been continuing his education and consulting services with his own company, both in Turkey and in many other countries.  

In 2010, he performed the first official HP Software family education in Turkey as the authorized trainer and still, continues to provide HPE Software training services as the only trainer with the widest training spectrum in the region.


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  • Oracle
  • HPe & MicroFocus
  • Microsoft (SharePoint, Acess, Word, Excel,)
  • Java
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